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Cheryl B. Sellers

Cheryl B. Sellers has written a cross section of poetry, some of it from her life and responses to views of the world at large. Her writings indicate evidence from being a black child through maturation into becoming the women she is today. Included are poems from the Sensual to Religious. Sellers’ world has been occupationally imprinted by her hands on work as a retired Mental hygiene therapist, and now as a women who lives an alternative life style. She have written a book of poems that reflect multi-skilled women of the world, that a bountiful amount can relate and identify with.

Cheryl B. Sellers

Freedom Was Heard
real audio
mp3 file
wav file

Gaia Weeps
real audio
mp3 file
wav file

I am the fruit
real audio
mp3 file
wav file

Juke Joint
real audio
mp3 file
wav file

mp3 file with no noise
mp3 file with background noise
wav file

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